Friday Find: Kung Fu Baby (and a Nor'easter)

What is UP with this weather? After a 2 1/2 hour commute home on Wednesday, in which I literally could not feel my toes, and don't think I've ever been so cold in my life, we got slammmed with snow! It took us over an hour to shovel ourselves out on Thursday morning...Zoey clearly was no help to us at all...
Then I got myself ready and headed to the Long Island Railroad to head into work. This was on Long Island
When I got to Manhattan, this is how it looked...

It's like nothing even happened here...craziness! Sometimes I feel like I live and work in two completely different states.

In honor of the weekend I leave you with this little gem of a video.

Dragon Baby: A baby and a stuffed animal kung-fu fighting. It's pretty amazing. (video)


  1. It is so crazy that you guys got that kind of weather up there, especially after a hurricane just went through a couple weeks ago! We barely even got any rain from it here in DC, even after they warned us about the possibility for a wintery mix. That video is too funny, even though the poor dragon lost his stuffing. LOL.

    1. Yea we've really been slammed, looking forward to a warm weekend though!

  2. Send that snow out here!!! I want it to snow so badly in CO. I hope your weather clears up! Have a great weekend!

    1. I'm sure you'll get snow soon enough! Have a great weekend too!

  3. so weird, right?! Yes, I cannot wait for a beautiful and warm weekend!

  4. Wow what a snow storm...eeeks I am not ready for snow here...but wow your commute sounds long does it take on a normal day?

    1. It takes me an hour door to door in the mornings and usually an hour, sometimes hour and 15 minutes to get home in the evening. It's all public transportation so I get a lot of reading and movie watching done, which is nice. But some days - I do hate it.


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