Natalie's First Haircut

This weekend, Natalie got her very first haircut! I really wanted her hair to just be trimmed up a bit and the long rat-tail in the back to be not so...rat-taily.
Cathy and her sister have been cutting Chris and his whole family's hair since Chris was a baby and now Cathy gave Natalie her first haircut too (first of many!) - I just love stories like this!

We tried to have her sit in Chris's lap, but of course, Cathy could tell right away that that wasn't going to work.
So she was going to cut Chris's hair first so Natalie could watch and see what she was doing.

But while Chris was getting his hair washed, Natalie was very busy looking at the display shelves at the front of the store. Cathy seized the opportunity and dove in to cut her hair while she played with the bottles and bracelets.

I caught as much of it as I could on video, I felt bad that Chris was in the back. But he came up front and got to watch most of it after his hair was washed.

I don't think Natalie had any idea what was happening. She just thought this woman was playing with her hair, and she didn't mind it at all. She giggled a little bit when she trimmed the hair around her eyes.
So I captured what I could. This moment wasn't nearly as tear-jerking as Sam and Nia's Abram's First Real Haircut found here (start at 1:50 and grab the tissues!!!) (PPS: I'm only slightly obsessed with this family) But it was a fun milestone non-the-less.

So the rat tail is gone, her hair is a bit trimmed up, and she looks a little less like a crazy person!
Also, Natalie had no problem making herself at home in the salon.
And begging for one of the lollipops they were selling at the register..
I'd say her first haircut was a success, and that this was the first of many trips to the salon with my little girl! 


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