Saturday Afternoon Lunch Date

Every once in a while, Chris and I will try to put together some sort of a dinner date out somewhere. But it’s sometimes complicated by bedtime- I still nurse Christopher to sleep, so sometimes he’s difficult at bedtime with anyone other than me (though, honestly it always plays out worse in my head than it ever does in real life) and then I also miss a nursing session entirely (and I hung my pump up months ago- I am NOT touching it again until I have to, i.e. next baby- one day long down the road)

Enter: The Saturday afternoon lunch date. No worries about bedtime, grandparents get fun afternoon playtime, instead of bed and then watch-tv-until-we-get-home time, it’s a win-win for all really!


Chris and I had a great lunch at this little farm-to-table restaurant, Rustic Root, in Woodbury, NY. I had been here once before, and it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite restaurants! 

Here’s to Saturday afternoons! 


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